Struktura organizacyjna władz oświatowych Księstwa Warszawskiego 1807-1815
The paper deals with issues connected with the administration of the educational system in the time of Warsaw Duchy. The Author discusses the organizational structure of offices and institutions responsible for education both on the central and local tiers.
Warsaw Duchy, formally sovereign, was in fact in the French zone of interest. Attempts to create an autonomous ministry of education by the educational officials were marred by the Constitution of Warsaw Duchy, instituted by Napoleon. It was modelled upon French law, under which educational matters were decided by the Minister of Interior. Consequently, the Chamber of Public Education and later the Administration of National Education, were to struggle for the greatest autonomy possible within the Ministry of Interior.
The latter part discusses the situation of local school authorities. Both for economic and practical reasons the institutions of the Prussian Partition era were retained, such as administrative chambers in departments and executive commissions in poviats. Characterised are the competences of school supervision bodies on the department, poviat and local level. Finally, the vital question of educational funds is raised without which any educational reforms would not have been possible.
The paper is ordered chronologically, covering the whole period of the existence of Warsaw Duchy. The Author uses modern sources and source documents thanks to which the article draws a complete picture of the educational authorities of the time, focusing on the historical and legal dimensions.
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