Piecza zastępcza w projekcie nowelizacji Kodeksu rodzinnego i opiekuńczego z dnia 23 listopada 2006 roku
The article analyses the draft amendment to the Polish Family and Guardianship Code (draft of 26 Nov 2006) concerning foster care.
The basic regulations are based on several fundamental principles, such as the principle of a child’s good as well as parents’ superiority in upbringing a child. The draft also respects the idea of temporariness of foster care, its priority over other institutional forms, the principle of judiciary supervision of foster care and a principle related to the child’s good that is the principle of non-separation of siblings during the procedure of the child finding a particular form of foster care.
The necessity to create precise regulation of foster care in the Family and Guardianship Code has often been pointed out in the doctrine. The analysed draft does address these issues. It is regrettable, then, that the amendment to the Code, enacted 6 Nov 2008, does not contain the proposed solutions.
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