Kanonizacja o. Antoniego od św. Anny Galvão – pierwszego świętego urodzonego w Brazylii

  • Wiesław Bar Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, Wydział Prawa, Prawa Kanonicznego i Administracji
Słowa kluczowe: kanonizacja; proces; święty; cud; Brazylia


On 11 May 2007, Pope Benedict XVI canonised the first Brazilian who was born in Brazil. The article presents: a catalogue of the saints and blessed of Brazil, the portrait (especially spiritual one) of Antonio Galvão, the course of the canonisation process, and the significance of the new saint for the Universal Church and Brazil in the context of the files of the process and papal homilies.

The Author also presents the process declaring the Servant of God heroic in virtue, inquiries into miracles required for beatification and canonisation. The adopted mode of presentation is to serve educational purposes in the area of Canon Law.

The activity of the laity in the process of gathering the body of evidence for Antonio’s sanctity is emphasised, both in this case and many others, which are in progress or in postulancy.

Artykuły: Prawo Kanoniczne