Od człowieka, osoby, podmiotu do podmiotu prawa

  • Tomasz Gałkowski Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie, Wydział Prawa Kanonicznego
Słowa kluczowe: człowiek; osoba; podmiot; podmiot prawa


In the article two ways are presented regarding relationship between human being and subject of law. Ch. Grzegorczyk claims that conception of human being and conception of subject of law are not equal and from conception of human being a conception of subject of law cannot be educed. P. Ricoeur states, however, that conception of human being and conception of subject of law are equal with regard to respect and veneration.

Author of the article analysis the above issues and regardless the differences between them observes some similarities, because both authors are considering not subject of law but subject of law order. On the basis of phenomenological reduction the author shows conception of law which has its roots in substantial vision of human being. The human being can be subject of law and not only subject of particular law order.

Artykuły: Prawo