Charakter prawny zadań gminy w dziedzinie energetyki

  • Michał Domagała Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, Wydział Prawa, Prawa Kanonicznego i Administracji
Słowa kluczowe: założenia do planu zaopatrzenia; plany rozwoju przedsiębiorstw energetycznych; prawo energetyczne; samorząd terytorialny; planowanie energetyczne


The article analyses the legal character of the tasks facing the commune in the area of energy management. Consequently, the following issues are discussed: the essence of territorial self-government, the tasks of the commune relating to planning and provision of electric energy, gas, and heat to the commune inhabitants, as well as the duty of planning and financing street lighting. A closer inspection of the essence of territorial self-government is meant to justify the scheme under which communes are given tasks related to electric energy. Such operations are regarded as being of vital interest to the self-governing community, whose needs are to be met by the commune. The author discusses particular tasks of the commune in the area of energy management. It is done by analysing the competences of individual bodies of the commune and unique features of the procedure connected with the abovementioned tasks. The study includes postulates to introduce changes necessary for streamlining the operations of the commune in the area of energy management.

Artykuły: Administracja