Regulowanie rynku telekomunikacyjnego – istota i organy

  • Renata Maria Pal Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski
Słowa kluczowe: regulowanie rynku telekomunikacyjnego; Prezes Urzędu Komunikacji Elektronicznej; Europejska Grupa Regulatorów; europejskie prawo regulacji


The regulation of telecommunications market is a sequence of administrative procedures aimed at maintaining the competitive edge on the market. This procedure comprises three stages. The first is a relevant definition of the market, the second is a market analysis, and the third is the assessment of the significant market power and imposition or lifting of appropriate duties. The regulation of the telecommunications market is based on the European model of regulation, which should be implemented in all member states. Telecommunications policy in the EU is governed by European Commission and the European Regulators Group.

In Poland, the regulation body is the Office of Electronic Communications (UKE). This institution was established on 14 January 2005 and replaced the centrally governed administrative body – the Office of Telecommunications and Post Regulation (URTiP), which was dissolved on 13 January 2005.

A new Polish regulating body was created, similarly to the UK's Ofcom, which started its operation in January 2004, combining the duties previously fulfilled by five independent bodies: ...

Artykuły: Administracja