Problemy informatyzacji administracji publicznej
The tremendous development of the media, such as the Internet or satellite communication, allows instantaneous transfer of information between two chosen locations around the globe. IT revolution is a big challenge for public administration. The cost of such new technology is often high – too expensive for the administration to buy, unlike in other commercial establishments. However, a high degree of computerization allows quick and efficient management and distribution of information, facilitates contacts with administrative bodies and saves time.
The goal of this article is to show some of the key problems related to the transformation of Polish public administration, the objective of which is to adjust it to the increasingly computerized environment. Public administration, which can be likened to a nervous system, has to run smoothly, therefore a general and well-designed computerization seems one of the crucial factors that enhance its functioning. However, apart from technical changes, such as restructuring of local information systems and making them mutually compatible, accelerating the exchange of information by means of electronic mail, or general computerization of the whole apparatus of public administration, the mindset and habits of clerks and officials has to change.
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