Relacje między Kościołem powszechnym a Kościołami partykularnymi w nauczaniu i ustawodawstwie Jana Pawła II

  • Józef Krukowski Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski
Słowa kluczowe: Kościół powszechny; Kościół partykularny; Biskup Rzymu; Kolegium Biskupów; biskup diecezjalny; misja kanoniczna


The article deals with John Paul II's contribution towards explaining the relation that holds between the Catholic Church and a particular Church in the teaching and legislation of the Catholic Church in which the doctrine is translated into the language of Canon law. The following issues are discussed: vital elements of a particular Church, particular Church as portio populi Dei, the connection of a particular Church with culture, the Catholic Church as Communio Ecclesiarum, collegiality of bishops versus the primacy of the Pope, the mission of a diocese bishop towards his particular Church and the Universal Church.

Artykuły: Prawo Kanoniczne