Genera stanowienia prawa miejscowego samorządu terytorialnego. Pierwsza Rzeczpospolita

  • Marcin Konarski Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski
Słowa kluczowe: historia administracji; samorząd terytorialny; prawo miejscowe


The subject of this article is the trial of reconstrution of the local law proclamation history during the 1st Polish Republic. The proclamation of local acts is important competence of the local self government organs that determines its position and role in contemporary state. Local govenment is decentralized form of the public administration and according to legal instruments was provided with administrative power, which means the capability to execute public tasks manifested in ability to proclaim law acts, regulating many different spheres of social life. Besides the fact that the local self government as a law term came into being after the fall down of feudal state and after the creation of citizen community, author detects its origins in the medieval local governance. Political form and medieval and medieval cities organization, according to author, was a first stage of that, what in present days assumed aform of local self government. Parrallel to cities development in 1st Polish Republic, the legislative power of their organs formed its shaped. Many aspects of daily life were managed by obigatory common law which was valid only the territory of the city and its suburbs. Legislative activity of medieval cities organs contributed to the development of local self government institutions in later times.

Artykuły: Administracja