Początki amerykańskiej demokracji. Zarys ustroju politycznego trzynastu kolonii angielskich w Ameryce Północnej w XVII-XVIII wieku

  • Katarzyna Maćkowska Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski
Słowa kluczowe: demokracja; kolonie angielskie; Ameryka Północna


This article pertains to the matter of the division of powers in colonial era.

The very important aspect is the impact of colonial sytem on further regulations of political statehood in US. It should be accentuated that this colonial pattern has been democratical in some measure and therefore this scheme has become the subject of this article. The Author focussed on the role of  a gouvernor, a legislative power and judiciary system in the first ages of existing of the English colonies in North America. Political status of these institutions and both their rights and duties have been analysed in detail for each particular colony.


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