Celibat duchownych w dyspozycjach Kodeksu Prawa Kanonicznego z 1983 roku

  • Jerzy Adamczyk
Słowa kluczowe: celibat; duchowny; powołanie; małżeństwo


Pope John Paul II repeated many times that ecclesiastical discipline concerning celibacy of clergymen in the Latin Church should be maintained. The person taking the holy orders and committing himself to keeping celibacy expresses his complete readiness to perform the ministry proper to the clergy, his readiness to embrace every man with his pastoral love, to devote all his life to salvation of other people and to devote his whole heart to God. Celibacy in many respects suits priesthood, although Christ did not make a necessary connection between them.

In the first part of the article we show the reality of celibacy of clergymen, and its effects according to John Paul II's Code. Then we concentrate on the issues of sanctions for violations of the law of celibacy. Finally, the question of exemption from the obligation of celibacy is considered. It seems that the presented regulations relevant to celibacy of clergymen should help to see the gift of celibacy competently and fully.

Artykuły: Prawo Kanoniczne