Krajowa i Wspólnotowa ochrona praw indywidualnych wAquis Communautaire poza obszarem stosowania środków sądowych

  • Jarosław Sozański Wyższa Szkoła Handlu i Prawa im. R. Łazarskiego w Warszawie, Wydział Prawa
Słowa kluczowe: prawo wspólnotowe; prawa człowieka; prawa indywidualne; środki sądowe; petycja; skarga


The protection of individual rights within the non-judicial area is no less important that the judicial one, and it is much more often applied. Imprecise as it is, the distinction between the judicial and non-judicial protection does not bear problems in practice. One is entitled to judicial protection in CoJS and CFI and national courts (acting as communal courts) with regard to the violence of rights (protected in acquis communautaire by other units, institutions and legal persons belonging to member states). The protection in national courts deals with the whole range of acquis, including e.g. (after the recent reform in this matter) the right of competition of the EU.

Now the judicial protection embraces the following: the right of petition to the European Parliament and the right of complaint to the communal Ombudsman, and numerous complaints to the Commission. With regard to the violence of the communal right (including: cartel plot, public aid, subsidies, antidumping right, and other economic-merchant practices). The non-judicial protection is also enriched by the right to turn to all institutions of the EU in the physical and legal person's mother tongue from the area of the Union, and the duty to answer in this language. Certainty, this type of protection includes also all kinds of means for the protection of the consumer, health protection, and protection of the environment. All authorities and public institutions of the member states are also obliged to provide non-judicial protection in the area of acquis.

There are no doubts as to the duties of the EU states that follow from the primary and secondary communal right in the are under consideration. The non-judicial protection in the national systems of entitlements that follow from KPP has no complete juridical justification (it will be introduced by the Constitution for Europe). The mechanisms of protection under discussion exert a positive influence on the enhancement of the international protection of human rights.


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Artykuły: Prawo