Społeczne prawa człowieka w Europejskiej Karcie Praw Podstawowych
The paper brings home to us the problems connected with the broadly understood social human rights, as they are regulated in the European Chart of Basic Rights. Economic rights, strictly speaking, social and cultural rights have been placed in the Chart aside to civil and political rights, making a comprehensive catalogue of human rights. Irrespective of their kind they have the same character, as it results from the political significance of the Chart. They exert an impact only at the level of the interpretation of the norms of the communal right in the domain of human rights. According to the Chart, social human rights draw on the solutions accepted in the most important European documents of this kind. Therefore the right to the protection of the natural environment and the protection of consumers is stressed with stronger emphasis.
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Torysi przeciwko Europejskiej Karcie Praw, PAP z 1 VIII 2000 r. za „The Telegraph” (Londyn).
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