Prawo wyborcze do ustrojowych organów gminy wiejskiej i miejskiej w świetle ustawy z 23 III 1933 r. o częściowej zmianie ustroju samorządu terytorialnego

  • Sebastian Kwiecień Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski
Słowa kluczowe: prawo wyborcze do ustrojowych organów gminy okresu międzywojennego; prawo samorządu terytorialnego


The paper informs the reader about the regulations of the voting rights to the state organs of the village and urban administrative units in the light of the law of 23rd March 1993 on the partial change of the system of territorial self-government. Additionally, it contains information on the route that Poland followed in the inter-war period with regard to the establsihment of a homogenous administration, both governmental and self-governmental. Undoubtedly, the above law satisfied the social and political postulates as regards the need to standardise the system and principles of the voting rights to the Polish territorial self-government, a fact that was obviously a success. The regulations of the voting rights as presented in this paper were not free from drawbacks or limitations, which eventually were not in harmony with self-governance. Therefore the paper, together with the procedures and principles binding during elections to the political organs of administrative units, is also an objective and reliable presentation of limitations. Unfortunately, they have considerably limited the citizen's influence on the form of administrative organs.
