Osobowość psychoneurotyczna w relacji do poważnego braku rozeznania oceniającego

  • Stanisław Paździor Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski
Słowa kluczowe: małżeństwo; osobowość psychoneurotyczna; rozeznanie oceniające; osobowość psychoneurotyczna a małżeństwo


Future spouses with psychopathic personality are not capable of establishing interpersonal relations. They are not able to manifest their feelings to their partners and are marked by considerable egoism. For this reason, their marriages are failures and usually last shortly. Such persons live in their own world, with their specific problems, whereas all the essential issues connected with a proper functioning of a sacramental marriage are of secondary importance for them. Their decision to establish a sacramental marriage has not been properly thought over by them. All this makes them unable to establish permanent interpersonal ties with their marital partners. Neurotic personalities are little resistant to problems they have to cope with in their marital life. Therefore they experience mental breakdowns, sometimes connected even with attempts at suicide.
