Zarządzenia biskupa Franciszka Jopa (1956-1976) dotyczące duchowieństwa. Ze studiów nad prawodawstwem partykularnym Kościoła opolskiego

  • Andrzej Szymański Uniwersytet Opolski
Słowa kluczowe: diecezja opolska; posługa duszpasterska; duchowieństwo; biskup Franciszek Jop


The establishment of a new church unit in the Opole region followed some changes of the Polish borders after the Second World War. By virtue of special jurisdictions from the Holy See, Cardinal August Hlond decided to establish the Opole diocese from the Wrocław archdiocese, and create a separate administrative church unit. The nomination of apostolic administrators was an important factor that stabilised the structures of the Church in the Regained Territories. The state-party authorities, however, treated their activities as attempts to maintain the temporary procedures in the church board at the affiliated territories. Therefore chapter priests selected under coercion by local consultants were imposed. In the end of 1956 a new political situation emerged, which had brought about positive changes in the situation of the Church in Poland. On December 1st, 1956, Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński nominated the Rev. Dr. Franciszek Jop, an auxiliary bishop in the Sandomierz diocese, to Opole. The article discusses the problem of regulations as regards the clergy in the years of pastoral ministry of Bishop Franciszek Jop in the Opole Church.
