Świeckość szkoły a nauczanie religii we Francji

  • Krzysztof Orzeszyna Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski
Słowa kluczowe: świeckość szkoły; szkolnictwo publiczne; nauczanie religii; dzień zarezerwowany


The paper discusses the issue of religious instruction in French schools. The lay character of public primary schools was introduce by virtue of the law of 28th March 1882, the law that is the foundation of French law with regard to public education. There has been an ongoing discussion during the recent decades about the principle of the lay character of schools and the day reserved for religious instruction, due to sociological and cultural changes. After a period of conflict, during which the authorities of the Catholic Church turned to administrative courts in order to protect the day reserved for religious instruction, there have been attempts to reach a compromise. The attempts tend to help the Church and the state to adjust themselves to the changes undergoing within French society, and to understand anew the principle of lay character.
