Majątek Kościoła rzymskokatolickiego w Słowacji w okresie systemu totalitarnego

  • Ferdinand Jurčišin
Słowa kluczowe: majątek kościelny; beneficium; osobowość prawna; nieruchomość; wspólnota religijna; wywłaszczenie; zabór majątku; prywatyzacja; ustawy blokacyjne; własność


The situation of the Roman-Catholic Church in Slovakia after World War II was the same as in other countries of the so-called People's Democracy; however, there were specific historical conditions there. The whole issue of the State's attitude to the Church was expressed, among others, on the plane of attack against its right of property. Showing the Communist State's attitude towards the Church and the Church's attitude towards that State will allow to better understand the complex issue of the property policies in Slovakia after World War II. The problem of legal and extralegal willful taking of the Church's property is connected with the question of the Church's legal personality according to the State legislation.

The proportions of this willful taking and presentation of the complicated legislative process in Slovakia that aimed at a partial compensation undoubtedly belong to the most interesting issues in the post-war history of the relations between the State and the Church in Slovakia.
