Prawa człowieka - rozwój treści
The article provides a brief summary of the genesis and contents of the human rights. There is much theory, both in law and philosophy, about the meanings of these concepts, and about the relationships between them. Different proponents have at different times put forward a number of such theories, and different legal systems have at different times founded themselves on one or more of them. Throughout the centuries over which the concepts of human rights and fundamental freedoms have developed and been refined, it has been an axiom of all the underlying theory that the beneficiaries of those rights, and freedoms are individual human beings, in whom they inhere, inalienably, by virtue of their humanity, and the dignity and integrity to which that characteristic entitles them. These problems have been discussed from the viewpoint of rules of international law of human rights and the philosophy of law. From this point of view substance of the human rights includes three generations of the human rights and the individual human being is major subject of groups of people and societies. Therefore human rights are background peoples’ rights of self-determination and development.
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