From an Inconvenient Bishop to an Inconvenient Decision About Recognition of His Martyrdom

Keywords: Enrique Angelelli; Carlos de Dios Murias; Gabriela Longueville; Wenceslao Pedernera; martyrs; process of beatification; Bergoglio


The title indicates the continuation of the issue that was taken 10 years ago. At that time the article concerned About the Bishop uncomfortable for the governing in Argentina – the state as well as the Church. Despite changes in both communities (the decline of the military dictatorship after the 1983 elections, changes in the episcopate and judicial clarification of the circumstances of the murder of Bishop Angelelli), some contest the decision of Pope Francis to recognize the martyrdom of the Bishop and his co-workers (June 8, 2018). For them beatification is now inconvenient.

The author polemicizes with the arguments raised, from the legal-canonical point of view and canonization practice. Bearing in mind the passage of the time of the Martyrs from the Diocese of La Rioja (died in 1976), as well as space (the South American continent), the author gave their short biographies first. Due to numerous false data and misinterpretations in the media about the course of beatification processes in the diocesan stage, the author also organized the basic data.


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Articles: Canon Law