The offerings made for the celebration of the Holy Mass according to the 1983 Code of Canon Law and 4th Council of the Diocese of Tarnow
The offering handed to the priest on the occasion of celebrating the Eucharist has a long tradition in the Church. Its origin goes back to the old habit of bringing, by the participants, gifts necessary for the celebration of Mass, mainly bread and wine, and other gifts for the maintenance of the clergy and support for the poor. For this reason, in a special way the Church has a duty to care for the sanctity of the Eucharist.
The standards pertaining to the issue in this article are included in the Code of Canon Law of 1983, in Book IV of The Sanctifying Office of the Church, in Part I of The Sacraments, in Title III of The Blessed Eucharist, in Chapter III of The Offering Made for the Celebration of Mass and include fourteen canons: 945-958. They deal with the following issues: Offerings and Intentions (can. 945), the Donor (can. 946), Trafficking or Trading Excluded (can. 947), Separate and Collective Intentions (can. 948), Lost Offerings (can. 949), Unspecified Number of Masses (can. 950), One Offering per Day (can. 951), Amount of Offering (can. 952) Limitation on Offerings Accepted (can. 953), Excess Mass Offerings (can. 954), Transferal and Satisfaction of Mass Obligation (can. 955), Unsatisfied Obligations (can. 956), the Vigilance (can. 957) and the Mass Record (can. 958).
The standards of the legislators of the Code were referred to the resolution of the 4th Council of the Diocese of Tarnow, which can be found in Chapter I of The Sacraments, Point 3 of The Blessed Eucharist. These include twenty-eight statutes: 141-168.
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