The legal status of a mediator in civil matters. Current status and proposals for change
The aim of the article is to analyze the tasks and requirements relating to the mediator in civil matters. The article presents the basic tasks of a mediator in civil matters discussed in the context of the principles of mediation. In addition, the analysis has been subjected to the status of a mediator as defined in art. 1832 § 1 k.p.c. in combination with the permanent mediator. The article presents the criteria that must be met by the mediator in civil matters, analyzing the present, as indicated, inadequate solutions in this regard. The article indicates the need for regulation in determining minimum standards for candidates for mediators. In the last part of the article discusses the most important proposals for amendments governing the status of mediators. Analyzed the proposals for raising the criteria for mediators, together with its quality control mediation services, as well as proposals for the introduction of a permanent mediator definition and creation of a central base of mediators.
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