Tasks of a Voivode in the System of Territorial Bodies of State Administration in the Years 1919-1939

  • Sebastian Kwiecień The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Law, Canon Law and Administration
Keywords: voivode; general administration authorities


Until 1919, after Poland regained its independence, the system of territorial state administration with its general competences was in its transitional period. Only central and poviat authorities existed while the intermediate tier, i.e. voivodship level, did not exist. Additionally, there was lack of uniform legal regulations for the organization and scope of general administration. The above postulates were satisfactorily catered for by the order of the President of 19 January, 1928, concerning the organization and scope of general administration (Journal of Laws of 1936, No. 80, pos. 555), which fully regulated and determined the legal status of a voivode. This position was assigned two basic functions. The first one was that of a local representative for the state government, whose task was to oversee the realization of the state policy which was to be executed within the current laws. The other function was to act as the head of administration with general competences.

Articles: Administration