„Without the Survival of the Natural Environment it will not be the Survival of Humans” - a New Ecological Paradigm. The Cycle „Ecology and Low”

  • Sylwester Kasprzak


In our contemporary society there is a great concern for the earth and for the future of the human condition. For many people, the realization that we are the cause of the deterioration of our planet is a recent discovery. Our problems are related to growth in human numbers, to our voracious use of natural resources, and to economic decisions seeking short-term gains that do not carefully consider social and environmental implications. The answers are required to such fundamental questions as ..What is our responsibility to future generations of humans, to our own generation, and to the other earth-bound organisms?” Our ability to control and shape the natural environment to human needs seems to be without limit.

Humankind is subtly but cumulatively destroying the very life-support systems upon whose all the human's function are ultimately dependent. There is a very sad situation in the natural World. The evidence was easy to find: streams and rivers were polluted, palls of smog shrouded our cities; garbage and ugliness were commonplace. With this article we would like to begin the cycle of publications for the theme of ecology and the envirornmental protection especially in the light of law and ethics. We should speak very often about this kind of problems. In this material we presented common relations between ecology, ethics and law. For example we showed five elements in the ecological ethics.

They are as follow: 1) the commandment of good attitude and estimate to the natural environment; 2) the possitive critical opinion with regard to the ideology of the growth; 3) limit and ascetic of the consumption; 4) the quality of life; 5) relation between ecology and common good. We need in the human life a little limit to growth of our social conditions therefore that mankind is leading the style of life to much satisfying for many people in many of the areas of the world. Because we used the natural resources very much, now we need a new orientation in our life and should find a new way of humankind progress in the future, without destroying nature and ecosystems. A spate of environmental problems arc viewed as being out of control. Through legislation, international agreements, and individual and corporate actions, a massive effort has been made to improve the quality of our air. water, food. land, the situation of animals, forest destruction, pollution, soil, and life in general.

Finally we would like to present the title of our article: The cycle ..Ecology and Law": ..Without the survival of the natural environment it will not be the survival of humans" - a new ecological paradigm.

In this article we presented very important problems which arc connected with a global situation on the field in economics, ethics, ecology and environmental protection. We will be continuing our research and work on this subject in the future.
