The Celebration of Marriage coram assistente laico (can. 1112)
Introduced after the Second Vatican Council, the norm permitting the lay person to be a qualified witness of marriage entered into a canonical form has not been yet further elaborated in Polish language. This article is an attempt to fill this gap in Polish canonical literature. The first part of the presentation is devoted to the development of the norm in post-conciliar legislation before the promulgation of the 1983 Code of Canon Law. The next part of this dissertation presents the conditions for delegation of lay person to assist at marriage in accordance with Can. 1112 of this Code: lack of priests and deacons, consent of the diocesan bishop with favorable vote of the conference of bishops and permission of the Holy See. The last presented issue is the duties of a delegated lay persons in connection with the task entrusted to them to prepare the nupturients for marriage, to verify their ability to conclude it, to preside over the rite and to take note of this fact in the church documentation.
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