The Impact of Major Disasters in the System and the Insurance Market in Poland in the Interwar Period
The article is an attempt to present the problem of natural disasters and their influence on the economy and the functioning of insurance market during the interwar period in Poland. The author reveals the picture of Poland which grappling a number of issues like unifying the legislature of the country or rebuilding the economy deteriorated by the war, was to increase its expenditure in the aftermath of natural disasters. The disasters which together with various economic turbulence depict Poland as the one having to face some struggles on average every three years. As early as in 1921 the whole territory of Poland was struck by scorching heats resulting in huge loses in its economy, especially in agriculture. Half of the twenties, it is the period of raging inflation but also a struggle with the flood which had been the greatest natural disaster on the territory of Poland for over three centuries. Years 1926-1929 were the time of the heyday of Polish economy of the interwar period. Poland suffered first signs of economic breakdown in 1929, however, earlier in summer 1928, it faced a tornado raging over Poland destroying houses, obliterating forests and claiming lives of many. Similar outcome was brought about in 1931 in the area of Lublin where a hurricane of unprecedented force ravaged the land. The turn of the year 1928/29 marked itself in the history of our nation as the winter of the century. Another flood ravaged Poland in 1934 when Poland still not fully recovered after the economy collapse caused by the great depression. The flood has caused losses exceeding 84 million zlotys. In the article the author also presents changes in the binding legislature forced by the disasters and above all the bill concerning fire and other natural disasters prevention. The bill which due to the participation of the insurers allowed the fire brigades and firefighter depots to develop so that the society and its property could be safeguarded against the disasters.
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