Is Second Judgement in the Marriage Annulment Procedure Necessary?
In order to give answer to the question presented in the title, first of all we need to be aware that in the present world the Church Courts encounter with common divorce mentality that not only does not understand, but also does not accept the attribute of dissolubility and the sacramental character of marriage. To the signalled situation in which the Church Courts operate at present, one must also add a very common moral relativism and the relativism that concerns free and selective interpretation of the legal norm that follows it and regrettably also takes hold on church environments.
The new legislature of Pope Francis on proceedings concerning adjudication of annulment of marriage gave a clear response on the subject of the necessity of the second judgement. It must also be added that in the previous legal doctrine of the Church, there exist “pros” and “cons” concerning the second unanimous positive adjudication. The above statements are of a historic character, nowadays. However, for the development of doctrine and legal norms they will remain an important reference point. Certainly, they can also be used to better understand the reform of the marriage annulment procedure carried out by Pope Francis.
Abolishment of the obligation of the second judgement and permission to establish One Man Tribunals will, without any doubt, not only “increase” the pace of marriage annulment proceedings, but also will “simplify” it. Thus, first and foremost here arise questions if this will not result in perversion of the Church judicature and, most of all, if it will properly protect the attribute of dissolubility of marriage. All the more, that since Pope Benedict XIV who is called “the great canonist”, through the Code of Canon Law, 1917 and 1983, together with the proceedings instruction Dignitas Connubii of 2005, we have had clearly defined norms that the second positive adjudication is necessary to be allowed to get married in the Church for a second time.
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