A Juvenile Person as a Donor and a Recipient – Ex Vivo and Ex Mortuo. Regulations and Legal Issues

  • Jolanta Pacian Medical University of Lublin
Keywords: a juvenile person; donor; recipient; regulations; transplantation


The aim of the paper is to discuss legal solutions concerning ex vivo and ex mortuo transplantation whose participant is a juvenile donor or recipient, as well as to consider legal arguments for and against such transplantation. Legal regulations concerning transplantation are contained in the Act of 01.07.2005 on taking, storing and transplanting of cells, tissue and organs. On the other hand, the status of a juvenile person is regulated by the provisions of the Civil Code and of the Family and Guardianship Code. Even though the provisions of the Transplantation Act occasionally contain some contradictions, there is mostly positive evaluation of especially these legal solutions which enable a Family Court to give a replacement consent, which frequently saves health and even life of a juvenile person. There are also interesting legal rules binding in Austria, Germany or Spain which could be effectively implemented into our legal system, for the benefit of juvenile donors and recipients.


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Articles: Law