Powers of the Border Guards in the context of the protection of freedom and human rights

  • Wojciech Lis The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Off-campus in Tomaszów Lubelski
Keywords: security and public order; Border Guards; the tasks and powers of the Border Guards; operational activity; the general limiting clause


Tasks of the state in the field of the protection of the safety and public order are carry out by public services. One of them is the Border Guard, whose officers are equipped with a range of powers, to ensure the effective implementation of the imposed tasks. The use of the powers is subject of strict control, because abuse of powers can lead to limitation of freedoms and rights of every man and citizens. Implementation of tasks in the field of the protection of the safety and public order must be carried out in such a way to be as the least intrusive with respect for freedoms and rights. The Border Guard is the formation which serves to the good of man and the state – understood as the common good of all citizens.


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Articles: Administration