Physical Collateral for Maritime Claims in the Interwar Poland

Keywords: maritime mortgage; privilege on the ship; bodmeria; pledge on the ship; maritime claim; maritime loan


The costs of construction, purchase, renovation or operation of the ship, in particular related to port fees, fuel, crew pay and maintenance during the cruise were very high, therefore the owners of the vessel to finance the planned activities took loans against the ship or cargo . Undoubtedly, the development of maritime transport at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries contributed to the international unification of maritime law with regard to shipboard privileges and maritime mortgage. The need to harmonize the regulations resulted from the necessity of real assurance for creditors to satisfy their claims, because the diversity of regulations of individual countries, especially the number of maritime privileges that arose under the government of various legal systems and the hierarchy of their application limited the significance of the maritime mortgage institution. The content of international regulations became the basis for shaping Polish regulations regarding tangible security of maritime claims in the period of the PRL. It should be added that the maritime law of the interwar period in the available literature of the subject is only signaled, therefore this publication enriches publications on maritime claims.


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Articles: Law