The Authority of the Unit of Authority Territorial Self-Government in the Scope of Awarding Subsidies under the New Act on Financing of Educational Tasks

  • Paulina Bieś-Srokosz Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa
Keywords: education system; powers; authority constituting units of local government; acts of local law; the Act on financing the tasks of education; subsidies


On January 1, 2018, the provisions of the new Act on financing educational tasks, on the basis of which the legislator authorized the body of the local government unit to, among others, entered into force; determining the mode of granting and accounting for subsidies – which results from art. 38 par. 1 u.f.z.o. These rights (convergent with the rights of the provisions giving way to the Education System Act in this respect) give the authority the possibility to regulate in a technical manner the scope of data which the application must contain, and not to define the rules and conditions as necessary conditions. The article presents selected judgments of administrative courts (referring to previous regulations), which emphasize the overrun of authority by bodies constituting local government units.


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Articles: Administration