The Evolution of Legal Norms Relating to the Ecclesiastical Judge before the 1917 Code of Canon Law

Keywords: ecclesiastical judge, history of canon law, bishop, procedural law


The judge is the entity that applies the law. The judge adjudicates on court cases. The history of the Church shows, that from the beginning, we had to deal with the necessity to resolve various types of matters and disputes. Canon law has developed and evolved over the centuries. The procedural law developed gradually. The judge is part of this development. Initially, as indicated by the sources of law, the church judge was a bishop. With time, the power to judge passed into the hands of other priests appointed by the bishop. This is how the office of the judicial vicar (official) was created. At the Council of Trent, there is already talk of the so-called synodal and pro-synod judges.


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Articles: Canon Law