Immediate Preparation for Marriage and Potection of the Good Reputation and Privacy of the Bethroted Under the Instruction of the Polish Bishops’ Conference of September 5, 1989
The right to protect one’s good reputation and privacy in the Catholic Church is guaranteed by statute to all the faithful. The exercise of these rights may, however, be restricted by ecclesiastical authority. Considering that about two hundred thousand persons participate in immediate preparation for marriage in Poland every year, the most essential element of which being “premarital enquiry”, the article analyzes the legal grounds for restricting the betrotheds’ right to protect their good reputation and privacy in the course of premarital enquiry. It also identifies persons competent to ask questions, and defines the subject-matter scope of such questions. The paper further addresses the issue of whether the right of pastors of souls to ask questions of the betrothed while drawing up minutes of the enquiry implies their obligation to provide answers.
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