The Conciliatory Procedure in the Fidic Conditions of Contract

Keywords: ADR, construction law


The aim of the article is to present the procedure for amicable settlement of the dispute contained in the FIDIC Conditions of Contract, hereinafter FIDIC. Entrepreneurs in the construction industry more and more often see the positive aspects of using amicable dispute resolution methods, in particular the solutions contained in FIDIC. The regulations on amicable settlement contained in the FIDIC make it possible to minimize the potential damage that may arise in the event of a dispute arising during the implementation of a construction investment. It should be emphasized that FIDIC transparently determines the course of proceedings before the Contract Engineer or the Conciliation Committee, which allows the parties to take into account the time necessary to resolve a potential dispute. In addition, the professionalism of entities performing arbitration functions is a guarantee of reaching an agreement acceptable to all parties to the contract.


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Articles: Law