Is the Canonical Integral Concept of the Statutes Included in Can. 94 §§ 1-3 CIC?

Keywords: canon law, statutes, legal definition, integral concept of the statutes


In this study, on the basis of can. 94 §§ 1-3 CIC, the author started a reflection on the issue of the canonical integral concept of statutes, which has not been worked out so far in the literature of the subject. The main stimulus for the research undertaken was the definition of statutes in the strict sense included in can. 94 § 1. He proved that it is inadequate for all forms of such acts functioning in the canonical legal order. Examining such issues as the problem of autonomy of statutes, their nature and also systematic difficulties, he indicated that the problems in question are of a complex and multidimensional nature. Therefore, responding to the assumed research goal, he expressed a view that it is impossible to express the canonical concept of statutes in the form of a legal definition. Arguing, he showed that apart from statutes in the proper sense, one does not exclude also statutes in the improper sense due to a wide spectrum of associations functioning in the Church.


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Articles: Canon Law