The Role of the Minister of Finance in Incurring Financial Obligations on Behalf of the Treasury. Part II

Keywords: Minister of Finance, Treasury obligations, loans and credits, sureties and guarantees


The article was devoted to the competences of the Minister of Finance in the scope of incur- ring financial obligations on behalf of the Treasury, through incurring loans and credits by the State Treasury and granting sureties and guarantees. The substantive considerations are a continuation of the problem of incurring liabilities by the State Treasury through the issue or issue of securities presented in the first part of the article. The presented area of activity of the Minister of Finance indicates that the Minister of Finance has quite a lot of flexibility left at the level of selection and negotiation of specific loans and credits. In addition, this body plays an important role in the procedure for granting sureties and guarantees. The activities of the Minister of Finance are largely of a supervisory nature towards state legal persons, as well as preventive even against the actions of the Council of Ministers.

The author not only presented individual competences that highlight the role of the Minister of Finance, but while assessing them, she emphasized the creation of a certain space of autonomy in action for this body, sometimes having the features of discretion.


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Articles: Law