Civil Law Model for Protection of Business Secret of a Transport Company
Recently, the establishment and operation of road transport and forwarding has become attractive for entrepreneurs. As in many industries, information is of key importance for the long-term viability of the enterprise. In this regard, for example, the so-called customer base, information about carriers, routes or rates of remuneration. Due to the economic usefulness of this information, its confidential nature, and the fact that entrepreneurs take measures to prevent its disclosure, there should be no doubt that they bear the characteristics of business secrets. The purpose of this study is to discuss the most common methods of protecting business secret information. This applies to both methods that are widely used in business operations (e.g. contractual penalties), as well as those specific to the specificity of the transport industry (so-called document neutralization). As it turns out, in practice, not all methods of this protection are in accordance with the regulations, so not all claims of the entrepreneur will deserve legal protection.
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