Joseph of Egypt—a Fruitful Vine above the Spring: The Old Testament in the Modern Pulpit

  • Andrzej Krasowski The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
Keywords: Joseph of Egypt; dream; hatred; well; prison; governor; Egypt; kenosis; brothers


Joseph is born as a very expected and wanted child. The translation of this name is may God multiply or just add. Sold by brothers gets to Egypt. In spite of adversities and injustice he is faithful to God. When he explains Pharaoh’s dream he is appointed governor of whole Egypt. During harvests he stores cereal in granaries to distribute it to the people in time of famine. When his family also suffers from hunger it comes to Egypt. Joseph makes himself known to his brothers and without bearing them a grudge for done wrong he brings father and whole family and settles them in the most fertile part of Egypt. Joseph’s history is the story of the shaping and strengthening belief in God. His way is the way of kenosis. Joseph saves people from death by starvation. He is so then an announcement of Messiah who will pass the way of stripping by saving all people from their sins and eternal death. This story gives also an answer to the question: what is mature piety of Christian life. This maturity is expressed in the fact to see, understand and accept the story of our life.


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