Rola XIX-wiecznych zmartwychwstańców w rodzącym się ruchu liturgicznym

  • Zbigniew Skóra
Słowa kluczowe: ruch liturgiczny; liturgia; „Tygodnik Kościelny”; zmartwychwstańcy; Józef Hube; Franciszek Gordon; Hieronim Kajsiewicz; Prosper Guèranger


Brothers of the newly emerged Congregation of the Resurrection played a significant role in the development of the 19th century Liturgical Movement. Of great importance to its progression was the contribution of father Piotr Semenenko, Józef Hube, Wincenty Barzyński and Franciszek Gordon. They were far from being merely theorists of the new concepts of bringing the liturgy closer to the faithful, but they put their ideas into practice. They propagated the habit of frequent Eucharist celebration, were eager confessors, provided guidance for catechumens, and encouraged the laity to enter various religious associations. They spread care for the beauty of churches, and regular mystagogical sermons and catecheses became their distinctive characteristic. The notions of the Resurrectionists were recorded in their canon, which was unusual for other 19th century orders.

Brothers of the newly emerged Congregation of the Resurrection played a significant role in the development of the 19th century Liturgical Movement. Of great importance to its progression was the contribution of father Piotr Semenenko, Józef Hube, Wincenty Barzyński and Franciszek Gordon. They were far from being merely theorists of the new concepts of bringing the liturgy closer to the faithful, but they put their ideas into practice. They propagated the habit of frequent Eucharist celebration, were eager confessors, provided guidance for catechumens, and encouraged the laity to enter various religious associations. They spread care for the beauty of churches, and regular mystagogical sermons and catecheses became their distinctive characteristic. The notions of the Resurrectionists were recorded in their canon, which was unusual for other 19th century orders.


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