Sacraments in the Life of Youthas Researched by Jerzy Józef Kopeć CP

  • Piotr Kulbacki The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Theology
Keywords: formation; the new evangelization; active participation in the liturgy; the Eucharist; confirmation; marriage preparation; youth


Rev. Prof. Jerzy Józef Kope   CP showed immense interest in researching how the Council reform of liturgy was received by youth. Having developed his own research questionnaires, he launched a research project which allowed him to explore a variety of issues relating to the liturgical formation of youth. Making use of the method of liturgical paradigm, Rev. Prof. Kopeć ventured a vast analysis of the outcomes of the Council liturgical reform.

The research primarily concerned education for active participation in the Holy Mass, for the accepting of the Sacrament of Confirmation and Matrimony. Research results helped create a network of ideas and problems relating to youth liturgical formation, leading to pastoral and liturgical conclusions that can find their practical application in parishes and dioceses of the whole country.


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