Mistagogia końca IV wieku jako teologia w ujęciu Enrico Mazzy

  • Dominik Ostrowski Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Świdnickiej
Słowa kluczowe: mistagogia; duchowość; typologia; teologia w pełnym sensie; teologia liturgiczna; Enrico Mazza


The study presents a general sketch of prof. Enrico Mazza’s (born 1940) teaching and writings on the Christian mystagogy of the end of the fourth century. This widely known and respected scholar and expert in the matter, graduate and professor of the Pontifical Liturgical Institute in Rome, a lecturer at Catholic universities in Italy and abroad, affirmed that mystagogy is not just a form of catechism or spirituality, but rather a way of doing theology in the fullest sense. Actually, the fact that mystagogy is built on a specific use of the Bible and employs the typological method, makes of it a distinct kind of theology, called by Mazza a “liturgical theology”.


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