Papieski „ryt Resurrexit” celebrowany w Poranek Wielkanocny

  • Karol Litawa Papieski Instytut Liturgiczny Świętego Anzelma
Słowa kluczowe: ryt; liturgia papieska; Acheropìta; Niedziela Wielkanocna; Sancta Sanctorum; Kuria rzymska


In the spirit of the Second Vatican Council reform, from the treasury of the liturgical tradition the medieval papal rite Resurrexit has been restored; it had been once celebrated in the Sancta Sanctorum private chapel at the Lateran in front of the Acheropìta icon. The rite, with its rich symbols, was introduced again into the papal liturgy in the Jubilee Year 2000 and has been celebrated up till now in the morning of Easter Sunday in St Peter’s Square. In front of the gathered people, the Pope, following the example of St Peter (St John 20, 1-10), by celebrating the rite, in a way becomes again “the first witness” of Christ’s resurrection, and Surrexit Dominus vere et apparuit Simoni. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia solemnly sung by a deacon as well as reverence shown by incensing the Icon introduces one into the mystery of happily experiencing the Eucharist both in the Middle Ages and today.


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