Celebracja Liturgii Godzin w życiu i w posłudze kapłana

  • Helena Słotwińska Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, Wydział Teologii
Słowa kluczowe: Liturgia Godzin; Eucharystia; duszpasterstwo; celebracja; kapłan; posługa


The article is divided into four parts. In Part One the connection between the Liturgy of the Hours and the Eucharist is dealt with. Part Two presents the Liturgy of the Hours as the source and crowning of pastoral work. In Part Three the other reasons inclining the priest to celebrate the Liturgy of the Hours are given. The last part — Part Four is an instruction concerning the salutary fruit resulting from a proper celebration of the Liturgy of the Hours.

When writing about the connection between the Liturgy of the Hours and the Eucharist the emphasis is put both on the role of the Liturgy of the Hours in preparing the priest to the celebration of the Eucharist, and on enriching the whole day with Eucharistic values. The value of the Liturgy of the Hours for pastoral activity first of all lies in its being the source of the whole of apostolic work. Apart from this, by celebrating the Liturgy of the Hours the priest consolidates his love for Christ and His Church. However, if he wants to gain from the celebration of the Liturgy of the Hours, to which he is obliged every day, as much fruit as possible, he should celebrate it not only integrally, but also zealously.


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