Miejsce posługi słowa w kapłańskiej drodze do świętości

  • Władysław Głowa Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Słowa kluczowe: kapłan; posługa słowa; prezbiter; świętość


The article consists of three parts. In the first part the author shows the peculiar way, in which the presbyter may attain holiness. It is the way of the ministry of God’s word, accepted along with the Holy Orders. Both the great dignity of the ministry of the word and the dignity of those, who perform this ministry properly, are discussed in the second part. The claims contained here are supported by statements uttered by great saints who are authorities in teaching. In the third part the truth is emphasized that holiness is attained not only through the pulpit or in the catechetical room – by passionately preaching God’s word, but through a diligent preparation of the homily or catechesis, and also through earlier being open to God’s word, through an earnest conversation with God by means of God’s words in the Liturgy of the Hours celebrated every day, and first of all through the testimony of a life utterly given up to God and to the neighbor.


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