The Lent Itinerary of Baptismal Rediscovery in Homiletic Preaching

  • Stanisław Dyk The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
Keywords: Lectionary; liturgical cycle A; Lent; baptism; homiletic preaching


Liturgical cycle A for the Lent makes an overt reference to baptism. The Sunday readings in that period are collected and organized in such a way as to gradually introduce the participants of the liturgy into the understanding and constant redefinition of the whole variety of aspects and meanings of baptism. The liturgical celebrations of the subsequent Sundays allow the faithful to re-experience and renew their comprehension of various aspects of the baptismal rite. The aim of homiletic preaching in this period is to help the faithful to deepen their understanding of the reality of which they became part through baptism and to make their life comply with the demands of baptismal spirituality. In this way, they will be able to renew their baptismal vows with full awareness and accountability during the celebration of the Easter Vigil.


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