Ecology of the Holy Mass

  • Michał Wyrostkiewicz The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
Keywords: ecology; liturgy; the Mass; nature; natural relations


Research on the ecology (ecological nature) of the Holy Mass is both a topical and original dimension of theological studies. Apart from the positive premises that encourage taking up such studies, one can also mention a need to prevent “pseudo-ecological approaches to the Holy Mass” (and other religious realities), which can multiply in the context of the current pontificate. They often represent the intentions of “theologizing pseudo-ecologists” to subscribe to the main current of the teaching of Pope Francis.

All and any inquiry in the world of ecology of the Holy Mass needs to begin with the clear definition of the criterion of being ecological. In the most general sense, one can claim that an ecological Holy Mass is one that functions and uses the ecological context, staying in agreement with its laws and nature. Thus, defining the identity of the ecology of the Holy Mass is paramount in building its conception. At the same time, lack of reference to the links with environment would lead to a dysfunctional ecological conception. To comprehend these relation properly, one needs to determine the elements of the natural environment of the Holy Mass, that is components that constitute its natural environment, which determines the definition of the above-mentioned identity.

The ecology of the Holy Mass is not a mere reference to naturalistic motives in the liturgy, or to the links between the Eucharist and the natural world. Instead, it is a conception which draws upon understanding of what Holy Mass is in order to show how to retain its identity against the natural fluctuations of networks of variables representing the specifically-defined natural environment.


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