Modern War Conflicts in Digital Reality: On the Example of the Memes about the War in Eastern Ukraine

  • Justyna Szulich-Kałuża The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
Keywords: internet memes; memetics; social media; Facebook; Vkontakte; content analysis; semiotic analysis


Article is focused on the theme of Internet memes from the perspective of memetics. The main purpose of the article is an attempt to recreating the visual-textual narrative of the Ukraine–Russian conflict in social media: Facebook and Vkontakte. The reflections showed that the activity of transmitters allows for the definition two ways of transmitting and multiplying memes. The first method is a single meme expression without developing threads, and the second one consists in creating an extensive sequence of memes. The analysis of the content of the memes made it possible to determine two basic mechanisms for the strengthening images of the parties of the global conflict. The first — strengthening the positive image of Russia (the accreditation role of the inspector in propaganda activities) and the second – a strategy to strengthen the negative image of Ukraine (the role of the opponent's discrediting opponent).


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