Social Robot: Introduction to the Subject

  • Łukasz Sarowski The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Philosophy
Keywords: cybernetic machine; automaton; social robot; humanoid robot; android


The aim of the article has been to present terminological difficulties and terminologically define the term social robot, , as well as to enumerate representational features of this kind of machine. It has been assumed that the lack of terminological consistency in the very definition of robot causes terminological chaos and leads to the tendency to use interchangeably terms of disparate meanings (e.g. cybernetic machine, automation, social robot, humanoid robot, android). In the article, it has been discussed what attempts have been made to terminologically define anthropomorphic machines. The definitions of a cybernetic machine and a cybernetic robot have also been presented. The etymology and widely used definitions of the term robot have been analyzed. Representational features of social robots have been singled out. The assumption has been proven. In the article historical and analytically-descriptive methods have been used.


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