The Relationship between Mathematics and Music

  • Tomasz Grębski
Keywords: analysis; art; dodecaphony; formalism; mathematics; music; relationships; science


Has music got something in common with mathematics? In this article the author deals with two expressions of culture belonging to its two disciplines: science and art. Mathematics belong to science, music to art. Music has always been and it will be the subject of profound research and exploration of its relationships with other domains. The aim of this article is to look at these two areas in the terms of mathematical relationships and similarities that can be found in music and to prove the thesis that the relationship between mathematics and music exist. While analyzing these two areas some facts are quoted that allow to prove this thesis. The author analyzes music compositions for deliberate use in their mathematical relationships, as well as songs in which mathematical structures can be seen in the works of composers who were not mathematicians.

Both areas are art forms that have their own alphabet or rather their own language of symbols. Mathematical studies teach to talk on extremely abstract mathematical problems in a strict and orderly way. Music is the most abstract and an ordered art form. And while mathematics is called “the queen of science,” so music could be called “the queen of art.” Thus, examining the relationship between these two manifestations of the culture we can understand and know each of them better.

Author Biography

Tomasz Grębski

Mgr Tomasz Grębski – egzaminator maturalny z matematyki, nauczyciel dyplomowany matematyki w Zespole Szkół nr 2 im. M. Reja w Kraśniku


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Materials and Reports