A Few Words on the Need for Research and Axiological Reflection (A Side Note on the Conference “Culture and Method,” Lublin, Cul, 18-19 April 2013)

  • Bogumiła Truchlińska Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, Faculty of Humanities
Keywords: culture; axiology; values; positive values; negative values; sense; responsibility


The article is the result of reflection inspired by the conference “Culture and Method” (Lublin, CUL, 18-19 April 2013). It perceives changes in contemporary culture, as well as some disturbing trends in cultural studies. They are: 1) the explosion of its varieties, and at the same time—multiple aspects, and fragmentariness of research with multifarious meanings of culture; 2) the blurring of subject boundaries; 3) the multiplicity of methods with a predominance of descriptive and factual one; 4) the loss of axiological attitudes. The lack of valuations leads to the collapse of criticism—artistic, literary or scientific. It should be emphasized that the studies on culture are also studies on man. A scholar in cultural studies, therefore, can not/should not refrain from questions about the value and meaning of human creations or renounce evaluative positions and axiological criteria that allow to see man’s responsible work in culture.


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